Saturday 20 March 2010

Dhwaja Geet...Flag song

A warrior mostly thinks of his bravery, a sportsman mostly thinks of his good play, a good King mostly speak about the war he has won...his good administration...happy moments in his Kingdom, a good administrator mostly teaches shows the best thing he has done....and Government in developed countries mostly teaches the country men about the glory and the bravery of the country and achievement's.....why do they do feel them confident, to achive more, to make their people feel proud of their country.

what u do when your with your friends you mostly talk about good times....also at interview you speak about your achievments...why do you do this? because you want to feel proud you want to show that your are good you have capabilities...

But wait...just think what is wrong with India...why is the above not applicable to India....why Indian Government so negative...why we are taught only the negative things...why are we not taught about the glorious history...

History of India is falsified and misinterpreted on a vast scale. By learning such history, our leaders, elders, teachers developed a severe sense of inferiority complex. They started despising their ancestors and got infested with self pity. They lost self confidence and respect. They became convinced that unless they followed the West blindly, borrowed their ideas, concepts and technology. And we are following the same and we will also teach the please think and stop this...

Forget about government why are we not reading our glorius history...we (Hindus) are the only people who had fought back against foreign invaders since 2500 yrs and we still exist...many communities and religions just got erased after the Muslims and Christians invasions. But we, we still exists and that to not as a small community but a huge nation.

We are the only nation who has the oldest civilization known....a proper civilization (3500 B.C.) thats around 6000years back...when other nations didnt even knew what to eat we were having a complete city built...

While other nations were naked we were capable of writing and learning. Rig Ved more than 10000 yrs old.

While other nations were still learning to make bows and arrows, we were having a complete army which also included woman warriors...

Let us just go through this short poem on bravery and glory of our warriors and our motherland. This poem is called 'Dhwaja Geet' (Flag song) written by Veer Savarkar. It starts with the first invasion (around 326 B.C.) of Alexander till the Moghuls (around 1750 A.D.) and how our brave Kings (from Chandragupta The Great to Brave Bhaurao Peshwa) smacked them out of our motherland. There is a list of kings but as this a short poem only some of them are mentioned. But we salute to all the Kings and warriors.

This is actual a flag song, our flag, our saffron flag, flag of our motherland, flag for which warriors fought for....

या ध्वजासची त्या काली, रोंविती पराक्रमशाली, रामचंद्र लांकेवारती, वधुनि रावणा ...१

करित जै शिकंदर स्वारी, चंद्रगुप्त ग्रीकां मारी,
हिंदुकुश-शिखरी चढला, जिंकुनी रणा ...२

रक्षणी ध्वजाच्या ह्याची, शालीवाहनाने साची,
उडविली शकांची शकले, समरीं त्या क्षणा ...३

हाणिले हुसकीता जेथें, हूणांसि विक्रमादित्ये,
हाचि घुमवि मंद्सारच्या, त्या रणांगणा ...४

जइ जई हिंदू सम्राटे, अश्वमेध केले मोठे,
करित पुढती गेला हाची, विजयघोषणा ...५

उगवुनी सूड हिंदूंचा, मद मर्दुनी मुस्लिमांचा,
शिवराय रायगडी करिती, वीरपूजना ...६

ध्वज हाची धरुनी दिल्लीला, वीर बाहु भाऊ गेला,
मुस्लिमीन तक्ती फोडी, हाणुनी घणा ...७

पुढती नेम काहीं ढळला, ध्वज जरी करातून गळला,
उचलू या पुनरपि प्राणा, लावूनी पणा ...८

O, Hindus, if you do not lose your confidence then you can still get everything; because Hindu Dharma contains marvellous inherent power to rise again. Many big countries, races and kingdoms in the world have been destroyed; but we are still lasting; as we have everlasting Divine Consciousness in us. We have destroyed many attackers in the past. Great Alexander from Greece, was calling himself the world conqueror; but Chandragupta defeated him completely in military as well as cultural fields.

After 300 years Great Vikramaditya destroyed victorious Hunas who had entered Hindustan after defeating Europe and Asia. Thereafter Shakas who had attacked Hindustan, were also destroyed by Shalivahan and Yashovarma. Where are those attackers, Greek, Hunas and Shakas now? Hindus are still existing destroying them. Some centuries later Muslims attacked our country. They established States and even Empires; but Shivaji Maharaj defeated Muslims on each battlefield. Finally Sarsenapati (A title given to commander-in-chief during Peshva’s rule) Sadashivraobhau dethroned the Muslims. Mahadji Shinde made Muslims dance to his tunes and established Hindus’ rule. – Swatantryaveer Savarkar

Friends this is a need and a call to learn and teach the real history...